Graduate Application Process

Admissions Process

Your admission to either of the two ABE graduate programs (agricultural and biosystems engineering and industrial and agricultural technology) requires:

  • admission to graduate school by the ISU Graduate College
  • approval of the ABE Graduate Program Committee
  • acceptance by a major professor
  • evidence of financial support, by either (1) an assistantship letter of intent, or (2) demonstrated self-support.

For the agricultural and biosystems engineering graduate program:

  • A BS degree in an engineering discipline is required for full admission.
  • Provisional admission may be considered for applicants with a BS degree in a non-engineering discipline.

The graduate application process at Iowa State University is “self-managed,” which means that the applicant manages his/her own application by collecting the appropriate materials and sending them to the appropriate addresses.

Application Deadlines

International Applications

International applicants should apply for priority consideration by February 1 for fall semester, and July 1 for spring semester. International applicants will be asked to delay their admission to the following spring or fall semester in the following instances: (1) application for fall semester received after April 1; or (2) application for spring semester received after August 1.

Domestic Applications

Domestic applicants are encouraged to follow the same application deadlines above to have full consideration for assistantships.

Please remember that the admission process may take several months.

Questions and Application Status Check

Contact the Graduate Admissions Office with questions about materials sent to the Admissions Office.

Contact the department’s graduate programs coordinator about materials sent to the department, Joanne Kuntz,, (515) 294-9449.

To check the status of your application, fill out this form from the Graduate Admissions Office. Or contact the office at (800) 262-3810 or