Student Services

We are here to help!

Our advisors assist students with class schedules, degree audits, curriculum petitions, and other university documents and procedures. Schedule an appointment online through Navigate Student, contact our advising office at 515-294-9449, or stop by our student services suite at 1320 Elings Hall.

Meet our Advisors

Please log into AccessPlus (Current Student Info) to verify your assigned academic advisor.

Ben McCarty

Benjamin McCarty
Student Services Specialist III

tamara kerns

Tamara Kerns
Academic Advisor III

Jordan Smith

Jordan Smith
Academic Adviso
r II

Aaron ABE advisor headshot in Sukup Atrium.

Aaron Leppert
Academic Adviso
r II

Curricula and Four-Year Plans

Programs of study and required coursework for bachelor’s degrees in engineering or technology. Students specialize in one of the listed options within a field of study.

Course Curriculums

Engineering only:


If you are requesting a deviation from the published curriculum, please use this form:

Independent Study:

Additional Resources

A list of department, college and university student resources.